Breast Reconstruction Using Implants
First, a temporary device known as a tissue expander is placed in the breast to create the soft pocket that will
contain the permanent implant. Some surgeons may also use an acellular dermal matrix to assist with
Once expansion is complete, the expander will be exchanged for the permanent implant during an outpatient
In expander/implant reconstructions, patients can expect the following to occur with some exceptions:
- Hospital Stay (Mastectomy/Expander): 1 - 2 days
- Recovery Time (Mastectomy/Expander): 4 - 6 weeks
- Hospital Stay (Implant Exchange): Outpatient
- Recovery Time (Implant Exchange): 1 - 2 weeks
Direct - To - Implant
This approach allows for a breast implant to be placed immediately following mastectomy, foregoing the need for
a tissue expander. Some patients may still require a secondary procedure.
In direct-to-implant reconstructions, patients can expect the following to occur with some exceptions:
- Hospital Stay: 1 - 2 days
- Recovery Time: 4 - 6 weeks